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Monday, June 15, 2015

Ronald Schlauch | Press Release: Success – How Badly Do You Want It?

Today I am happy to share an inspiring and motivational post by my friend Ronald Schlauch. This is a special day for Ronald today, he is the featured member on IBOtoolbox. What this means is, he is getting a lot of exposure and traffic for his business.  I recommend you view his business profile by clicking the highligted link above.
“Know what you want – and get it”

– Sushmita Sen, Miss.Universe, 1994
‘Take what you want, and pay for it’ says God

– Old Spanish proverb

The Secret Of Success

I’m going to tell you a little story.
It’s about a man who wanted to know the secret of success, and decided to find out from a Guru.

Now this was a wise, old sage who knew every secret of Life. He lived in
splendid isolation on a mountain-top. Our hero set out on his difficult
journey to meet this wise man.

He was determined to reach the top, and so he got over many obstacles on
his way. Fighting through thick forests, scaling huge boulders, escaping
from wild beasts, at last he clambered to the peak and lay on the
ground, gasping for breath.

A few minutes later, he sat up… and beheld the Guru seated in deep meditation.
Silently, he waited. Almost an hour later, the Guru opened his eyes and glanced at the man. He raised an inquiring eyebrow.
The man stammered, “Oh wise and all-knowing seer, I come to you in search of the secret of success.”

The Guru didn’t reply. He simply stood up and started walking down the hill.

The man followed. He found it difficult to keep pace with the old man, who
seemed to skip from one rock to the other like a mountain-goat. They
walked steadily for another hour, and he wondered if they were going
back to the foothills.

Suddenly, they came upon a clearing. In the middle was a clear lake. The waters
were still, glinting softly in the rays of a setting sun.
The Guru walked up to the edge of the lake and beckoned the man closer. With a gesture, he asked him to kneel down.

Unquestioningly, the man did as the Guru ordered.

Continued reading at the link below:

Ronald Schlauch | Press Release: Success – How Badly Do You Want It?

I recommend that you click the link above because this is an exceptional post to read.

If you enjoyed this post and found tremendous value then you should share it with your friends on your
favorite social site. Also take time to get your free copy of my ebook above, located in the sidebar at the top.

Terri Pattio
MLM Coach/Mentor with a servant's heart

Friday, June 12, 2015

MLM Training - Kill the monster while it's little

I just had to share this post by my friend Bill Bateman, YOU can check out his business profile by clicking at the link end of the post.

This message inside is very powerful and I recommend you read it all the way to the end.

Begin reading it now. 

Do you have a favorite “monster movie”. It’s a film genre that I’ve always enjoyed but I must admit when I watch a new one I’m frequently thinking...

Kill the monster while it’s little!

I heard Anthony Robbins say (on a cassette tape as I remember) and even though that was years ago I’ve never forgotten it.

In both business and life we often don’t realize that we’ve adopted a bad habit until it REALLY starts to cause problems for us.

I wrote a partial book review of Marshall Golden’s book “What Got You Here Won’t Get You There” - You can read that here

Marshall lists “20 Habits that hold you back from the top”

Here are 3 to consider “killing” while they are little

Continue reading at the link below:

Bill Bateman | Press Release: Kill the monster while it's little

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Todd Treharne | Press Release: How Rich People Think

Today I am happy to share a 
post by a friend on a social site 
I visit daily.
You can see his photo on the right, 
his name is Todd Treharne

He is an awesome person to know 
and I am thankful for that. 
His wisdom and knowledge is superb. I recommend that everyone who reads this post, take time to visit his business profile at the link shown above.
Now you can begin reading his post and make sure to read it all the way to the end.

How Rich People Think 

I have heard it said
that if you want to be rich, you should hang around rich people! You
ever hear that?  The advice sounds reasonable. You know, after all,
birds of a feather do flock
together. However, this is only half the story. If you really want to be
rich, you have to think like the rich. As Paul Harvey said"And now, the rest of the story…"

Steve Siebold spent nearly
three decades interviewing rich people around the world to find out
what separates them from the 99%.
His finding is summed up in a new book, How Rich People Think!
concluded that being rich has little to do with the money itself.
Instead, it had everything to do with mentality and how you think about
money. The book is a pretty good read, and I recommend you get a copy.
In the book, Steve divides people between “World Class” and “Middle
Class”! I will call the groups the 99% and the 1%.
I know most won't read
this list, that is why most aren't rich. You have to be willing to do
the easy things most folks aren't willing to.

  1. The 99% focus on saving. The 1% focus on earning.
  2. The 99% thinks about money in linear terms. The 1% think about money in non-linear terms.
  3. The 99% believes hard work creates wealth. The 1% believes leverage creates wealth.
  4. The 99% believes money is the root of all evil. The 1% believes poverty is the root of all evil.
  5. The 99% believes being rich is a privilege. The 1% believes being rich is a right.
  6. The 99% believes money is complicated. The 1% believes money is simple.
  7. The 99% believes rich people are crooks. The 1% believes rich people are ambitious.
  8. The 99% believes building wealth is a solitary effort. The 1% believes building wealth is a team effort.
  9. The 99% worry about money. The 1% dreams about money.
  10. The 99% believes money is negative. The 1% believes money is positive.
  11. The 99% believes rich people are shallow. The 1% believe rich people are strategic.
  12. The
    99% believes the road to riches is paved with formal education. The 1%
    believes the road to riches is paved with specific knowledge.
  13. The 99% believes money is earned through labor. The 1% believes money is earned through thought.
  14. The 99% worries about running out of money. The 1% thinks about how to make more money.
  15. The 99% thinks about spending. The 1% thinks about investing.
  16. The 99% sees money through the eyes of emotion. The 1% sees money through the eyes of logic.
  17. The 99% underestimate the wealth building power of referral marketing. The 1% knows referral marketing creates millionaires.
  18. The 99% focuses on pleasurable activities. The 1% focuses on money making activities.
  19. The 99% sees money as a finite resource. The 1% see money as an infinite resource.
  20. The 99% earns money doing things they don’t like to do. The 1% get rich doing what they love.
  21. The 99% believes rich people are ruthless. The 1% believes rich people are generous.
  22. The 99% has a lottery mentality. The 1% has an action mentality.
  23. The 99% is waiting to be rescued from financial mediocrity. The 1% knows no one is coming to the rescue.
  24. The 99% believes rich people are smarter. The 1% believes rich people are more savvy.
  25. The 99% sees money as controlling. The 1% sees money as liberating.
  26. The 99% believes money changes people. The 1% believes money reveals people.
  27. The 99% believes in working for money. The 1% believes in working for fulfillment.
  28. The 99% believes you have to do something to get rich. The 1% believes you have to be something to get rich.
  29. The 99% plays it safe with money. The 1% takes calculated risks.
  30. The 99% believes you have to have money to make money. The 1% believes in using other people’s money.
  31. The 99% believes jobs are the safest way to earn money. The 1% believes outstanding performance is the safest way to earn money.
  32. The 99% believes in financial scarcity. The 1% believes in financial abundance.
  33. The 99% sees money as a weapon. The 1% sees money as a tool.
  34. The 99% believes they aren’t worthy of great wealth. The 1% believes they deserve to be rich.
  35. The 99% denies the importance of money. The 1% knows money is a critical component of life.
  36. The 99% believes money is their enemy. The 1% believes money is their friend.
  37. The 99% waits for their ship to come in. The 1% builds their own ship.
  38. The
    99% believes financial markets are driven by logic an strategy. The 1%
    believes financial markets are driven by emotion and greed.
  39. The 99% believes money is about status. The 1% believes money is about freedom.
  40. The 99% lives beyond their means. The 1% lives below their means.
  41. The 99% equates money with stress. The 1% equates money with piece of mind.
  42. The 99% thinks small. The 1% thinks big.
  43. The 99% believes people are out to get them. The 1% believes the universe is conspiring to help them.
  44. The 99% believes their thinking is unrelated to their net worth. The 1% knows thinking is the catalyst of all results.
  45. The 99% experiences good fortune and can’t believe it. The 1% experiences good fortune and wonders what took so long.
  46. The
    99% believes the more money you earn, the more stress you experience.
    The 1% believes the more money you earn, the less stress you experience.
  47. The
    99% believes the more money you make, the more problems you will have.
    The 1% believes the more money you make, the fewer problems you will
  48. The 99% believes the rich are obsessed with money. The 1% believes the rich are obsessed with success.
  49. The 99% believes the rich are selfish and self-absorbed. The 1% believes the rich are selfish and self-absorbed.
  50. The 99% dreams of having enough money to retire. The 1% dreams of having enough money to impact the world.
Continue reading at the link below:

Todd Treharne | Press Release: How Rich People Think