I will give you the truth and facts so you can make a decision based on what I am going to share with you.
First I will start by giving you the definition of "marketing" and "selling." Some people believe they are different and I will explain why I think they are the same.
You decide and feel free to leave your comment below after you hear what I have to say.
Okay this is the definition of Marketing - the total of activities involved in the transfer of goods from the producer or seller to the consumer or buyer, including advertising, shipping, storing or seller.
Now this is the definition of Selling - most basically defined as providing a good or service in exchange for some type of value. Essentially, accepting money for anything is selling. Something with the expectation of a payment for the goods or services rendered.
This is my explanation of why I believe they are the same. Let me start with the word 'marketing' and the definition above. Let's reference what's highlighted in yellow, the transfer of goods. Now I think you know what the word transfer means. Here's the definition just for the record "to remove from one place, person, etc., to another." Marketing involves removing goods from the producer or seller to the buyer, including advertising, shipping, storing or seller. So this mean you are selling because you are engaged in activities to transfer goods to the consumer or buyer. This includes advertising online and offline, storing of products to sell and shipping if necessary to the buyer.
Next I shall talk about the word 'selling' and reference what's highlighted in green. Selling is providing goods or service in exchange for some type of value. Essentially, accepting money for anything is selling. Something with the expectation of a payment for the goods or service rendered. The seller is delivering goods or service to the consumer or buyer in exchange for some type of value. The seller is expecting payment usually in the form of money for the goods or service given. I do believe that selling and marketing is the same thing. According to the definition of marketing and selling above. A few people may believe they are different. I do believe marketing and selling are the same. Marketing is ALL the activities involved to selling your products or service. I look forward to reading your comments on my post, so please share your comments below.
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Terri Pattio
MLM Coach
Mentor with a servant's heart
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