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Wednesday, June 22, 2016

5 Tips Why You Need A LinkedIn Group

Published by Merle Gibbins on Syndication Express

5 Tips Why You Need A LinkedIn Group


I am sure you have heard of LinkedIn and it is a great way of connecting with other marketers, entrepreneurs and professionals.

There are many people on LinkedIn who are
in the earning bracket of $100,000 per year and more.  By socialising
with these people you are going to get a better education on the rules
and know how’s of marketing.

So by creating a group on LinkedIn you have a greater opportunity of 
connecting with other like minded people and below are the reasons why …
 1.  Establish Yourself As A Thought Leader
The initial thing that starting your own LinkedIn Group 
does is establish you as the leader! 
That in itself is a power benefit. 
You control the action in your group. 
You control the discussions, membership 
to your group, and the flow of information. 

LinkedIn members will join your group to connect with you 

and others who think like them. 

By placing yourself in the position of authority, you
are practicing Attraction Marketing in its best form. Asking a
thought-provoking question is a great way to get that started!

Continued reading at the link below:

5 Tips Why You Need A LinkedIn Group

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