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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Building A Relationship - Getting to know someone has EXCELLENT BENEFITS for your business!

What I will be talking about today is, Building A Relationship That Will Last A Lifetime, and how it can be very rewarding for you and your business.

A relationship involves communicating with someone, and you share thoughts and ideas with each other, learning what each other likes and dislikes are, and why? In other words finding out just what makes one another tick. It can be easy and fun, getting to know someone. Excuse me but there will be some good and sad times. Didn't want to leave that out. But you will get through it together, and the relationship will grow even more.

Now when you first meet someone (whether it be on the phone, social networking, or in person) you don't have a lot to go on. Until someone takes the initiative and makes the first move and say something. Here's what I want to point out to you, when you say and do the right things, it's really easy and you will be successful in building a relationship that will last forever.

It's all about saying the right thing to get someone attention so that they will listen to you and what you have to say. All YOU do is build on that, and if there's any kind of chemistry going on. You've just started your relationship.

It's all about connecting, MAKING THAT CONNECTION.
Now sometimes you might not connect the first time, don't throw in the towel so fast. You should try it a second time and maybe even a third time if you feel the relationship with this person is important to you. Maybe you might use another angle and see if you can get some kind of interaction going one.

At this point, I want to share with you, an excerpt from an MLM ebook I read and this is what it says:

One question I'd hear over and over was, "Why do some people succeed, while others NEVER do?"

And the answer that kept coming up over and over again was, successful people made the effort to understand what really makes people tick...what motivates them...why they make the choices they make.
CLICK HERE to get the ebook and continue reading.

You've got to make the EFFORT, I mean really NO EFFORT, NO SUCCESS. If success is not a burning desire INSIDE YOU. Then you won't have the motivation to make the effort to begin a relationship with someone. After all people join people, not some company. Having a home business is not about sales and profit or how much you made last month. It's about YOU getting to know who someone really is. When YOU get to know someone, that can be a beautiful thing. Watch how things will begin to happen. Everything will fall into place. This is so POWERFUL, I hope that if you get anything out of this post, that's what I want YOU to get. How powerful this is. That is where I can help you.

Learning people's personalities can really impact your business and life positively. No doubt about it.

Now if you're in a business, and let's just say you're doing okay. So my question to you. Would you like to be doing more than okay? How about if I say it another way. Would you like to have WEALTH? Or here's another way to put it. Would you like to have FREEDOM? How about FINANCIAL FREEDOM?

Two great words, you would have to agree with me...right? ABSOLUTELY!

Well if you said "YES" no hesitation at all to what you've just read, then you are who I am looking for. I challenge you NOW to make the effort and GO HERE NOW and let's get busy so YOU can have the WEALTH AND FREEDOM that you desire.

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